Video: Tai Chi and Schedule Changes

On a recent camping trip to the Ozette Loop on the Washington coast, Warner taped himself doing tai chi, then added the names of the 24 Forms. This is to encourage and help those of you thinking about joining Warner at Kla Ha Ya Park on Saturday mornings at 8. Plus, the video shows how short and easy it is to practice these ancient forms. It’s absolutely free, but appreciated if you would register HERE.

Read more about Warner’s trip to the historic Cape Alava Trail.

The new schedule begins on July 1st, the studio is closed on the 4th, and please note the following changes:

  • Yoga Stretch Drop In class will begin at 6:30a, (15 minutes eailier), and will continue M/W/F. 
  • We’ve also added 6:30a  Warm Flow Tuesdays and Thursdays. A great way to start your day!
  • A new General Yoga class with Sarah Johnston has been added to Thursday evenings at 7p.
  • July 16 to 20 from 11:30-12:45p sign up for a 5 day Beginner Workshop for $55.
  • And we have added a new roster of Sunday Specials Events led by new and old friends of Yoga Circle Studio. Check them out!