The Sweetness of Release

Robin Flashman

The Sweetness of Release with Robin Flashman
Sunday, May 20 | 1 to 4p

Explore hip openers and feel a lightness of being and loosening of stress. Hips have a great range of motion, but can be tight from imbalances,injuries, and stress. Robin will go over hip anatomy to help us understand our limitations and areas of ease. We will do yoga postures and get introduced to some props to help assist in this adventure of self-discovery. Let’s open our hips together in a safe & nurturing space!
Cost: $45

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Core Flow and Restorative Healing

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YCS imageCore Flow and Restorative Healing
with Cobi Seslar & Jessica Ryan
Sunday, April 8 | 1 to 4p

Focus on core strength and life energy with this practice that is Integral to building the stabilizing muscles that support us in yoga and in our life.
Cobi (pictured above) will first guide you in a Yoga flow that is aligned with Pilates principles to strengthen your deepest postural muscles. Learn to move from your pelvic floor and deep abdominals all while breathing expansively and moving fluidly. After this warming flow, your body will be ready to go into Yin & Restorative yoga postures inducing relaxation response guided by Jessica. She will spend time with each person individually channeling healing energy.

If you attended this popular workshop, please share your thoughts with others with a comment below. Thanks!

Yoga for Desk Jockeys, 3/11

carly hayden
Carly Hayden
Yoga for Desk Jockeys
with Carly Hayden
Sunday, March 11 | 1 to 4p

Spending too much time sitting manifest as tightness and stresses in the body. Unwind gently with yoga postures and breathing. Sitting is thought to be the new smoking – deleterious to our physical and mental health. Learn strategies to undo the effects of sitting …feel better all over.

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New YCS student Heather and workshop teacher Carly enjoying the potluck — a YCS tradition following Sunday workshops.

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