Yoga Circle Studio was blessed again to have the wisdom and grace of Elizabeth Rainey. She led us through practical approaches to open to greater awareness of the sacred nature of our lives, and the importance of our bodies as vessels for the spirit. Focus was on alignment of the body, building from the ground up to find a balance of the principles of opening to life energy, while finding a solid center. Rainey is steeped in a tradition of yoga called Anusara (a-nu-sar-a), which means “following your heart.”
And, in these photos you can see us opening to the heart while opening to breath. As in all yoga teaching in our studio, we practice yoga to help bring more health and true happiness to ourselves and to the world around us.
A Full Moon Joins Our Annual Candlelight Walk
Our Fifth Annual Candlelight Walk alongside the Snohomish River was the best attended yet — bringing out entire families, (including the dogs), carolers, even a full moon! The winter solstice marks the beginning of longer days, and the returning light is a cause for celebration with its promise of new growth.
And the New Year means a new schedule of classes at Yoga Circle Studio, which you will receive soon in the mail. New to these pages is that the Class Schedule now links directly with the MindBody program — allowing you to select, register and pay for a class all in one step. Why not give a try right now?
Our studio is warm, and a beautiful space to practice the healing art of yoga. We continually strive to make yoga more accessible and beneficial to you — with our teaching, our website, and monthly newsletters — and we are most grateful for your continued support.
And many thanks to all who helped prepare and light the luminaries to mark the way for Snohomish’s unique community gathering. You may view a 24 image slideshow HERE, and please leave a comment about your experience walking the Riverfront Trail on the winter solstice.
Yoga 101 and 102
Beginner Yoga 101, begins Tuesday evenings, 6:45p, October 26th.
This is a perfect class for those who want a gentle, fun, and structured
introduction to yoga and it’s many benefits. Dorrinda Carlson has been inspiring
many students to start this healing and healthful practice of yoga.
New students get a 30% discount — only seven weeks for $56!
Only a few spaces remain — register and pay online HERE.
Yoga 102, begins Thursday evenings, 6:45p, October 28th.
Karen Guzak, senior teacher and owner of Yoga Circle Studio, leads a slightly more advanced seven week series. This class that will
deepen your understanding of yoga — the poses, the breath-work, and the philosophy — all geared to create a steady mind and a more joyful life. Students may take both the Beginner 101 and Yoga 102, as these two classes are complimentary. The cost is $80 for seven weeks. Register and pay online HERE.