September is Yoga Month

And, we have a limited number of the DVDs Titans of Yoga for sale at only $20 — $5 below the suggested retail price. The movie features interviews of 25 modern masters of Yoga, Meditation and MIndfulness. Proceeds benefit a national Yoga in the schools program.

Global Mala Peace Day Celebration
Sunday, September 19 from 1 to 4p at the studio on Pine Avenue
We will be joining in on the collective practices based on the Mala sacred garland of 108 prayer beads … a timeless symbol and tool for transformation.
Events will be happening around the globe, on this day of the Fall Equinox and the UN International Day of Peace.
Led by Yoga Circle Studio teachers and intended for all levels.
Suggested donations of $27 — or food to benefit the Snohomish Food Bank — please register online HERE.

Save the date for Partner Yoga on October 3rd! and view other exciting Sunday events coming up.

Laura Vitale Joins the Circle

Laura is trained in the Viniyoga tradition of yoga, founded by Gary Kraftsow who says,

“We practice to deepen our self-awareness, establish ourselves in the present, set a direction for our future, and actualize our full potential.”

This gentle, meditative style of yoga has many therapeutic benefits, and you will enjoy working with Laura in the Saturday morning Gentle and General Yoga classes.
Laura moved to Index, Washington for love, and for rock-climbing. She just completed her Masters in English Literature, and brings her intelligence and grace to our studio.


Jump into Fall with a Seven Week Series Class: Beginner Yoga 101 is offered on Tuesday evenings, 6:45p, beginning September 7th.

Dorrinda teaching cat-cow
This is a perfect class for those who want a gentle, fun, and structured introduction to yoga and it’s many benefits. Dorrinda Carlson has been inspiring many students to start this healing and healthful practice of yoga. The Series will repeat beginning October 26. New students get a 30% discount — only seven weeks for $56! Please preregister, as space is limited.


Yoga 102 is offered on Thursday evenings, 6:45p, beginning September 9th.
Karen Guzak, senior teacher and owner of Yoga Circle Studio, leads a slightly more advanced seven week series. This class that will deepen your understanding of yoga — the poses, the breath-work, and the philosophy — all geared to create a steady mind and a more joyful life.
Students may take both the Beginner 101 and the 102 yoga, as these two classes are complimentary.
The series will be repeated October 28. The cost is $80 for seven weeks. Please preregister, as space is limited.


And two series of Yoga Dance are offered on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, 8:30a, beginning September 7th and 9th.
In these series, you can be playful, have fun, and move with the pulse of the body and breath for a refreshing and exuberant new take on yoga. Yoga + Dance provides physical, artistic, and social rewards that enhance and enrich our lives. Our teacher, Suzanne Kohl is experienced in teaching both yoga and various forms of dance. You can sign up for one or both of these series. Take both and get a 10% discount off the $80 per class price.

Please note: We need at least six registrants to hold these classes.


August Happenings

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august may be vacation month for many but not for Yoga Circle Studio. We firmly believe that a consistent yoga practice is important for our health and well being, so we have a full schedule of classes – at all levels – seven days a week.

Of special note are our Gentle Yoga classes, which have been expanded to include Mondays & Wednesdays at 6:45p; Tuesdays & Thursdays at 5:15p; and on Saturdays & Sundays at 10a.

And we have added General Hatha Yoga classes: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 10a; Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays at 11:30a.

Descriptions of these classes can be found here.

Two free classes are offered in August; and, a special event at AngelArmsWorks is coming up next Sunday!

We sincerely hope you spend some of your vacation time with us.