Introducing Cleo the Yogi Kitten

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If you’ve been attending classes at Karen’s art studio this past couple of weeks, while the yoga studio is under construction, you have already met Cleo, the Yogi Kitten. She is especially good at checking out the softness of your mat as it’s unrolled.

Cleo was born under our deck to a ferral mother around eight months ago. Both mom and daughter were captured, neutered, and then invited to join us in domestic bliss. Mom passed on the invite, but still comes around for a meal and lately, to pick a fight with Cleo?

The studio expansion is right on track for a January 1st celebration with a Free Day of Yoga from 1-4p — details to come.

Snohomish River Trail Candlelight Solstice Walk
Snohomish River Trail Candlelight Solstice Walk

But first we need celebrate the Winter Solstice with our annual Candlelight Walk on the Snohomish River Trail. The solstice falls on Thursday, December 22 this year and the luminaries lining the river trail will be in place from 4:30 to around 7:30. Please contact us if you can help.

Karen will be hosting the annual After Christmas Free Restorative, Monday, December 26, from 1 to 3p at 230 Avenue B, home to Cleo the Yogi Kitten.

Finally, a job opportunity: Karen is looking for an enthusiastic and responsible office assistant who could help at the expanded studio. Starting with the new year, tentative hours are 3 to 6p., Mondays through Thursdays. Help the teachers check in students, keep the studio tidy and the office organized. Pay is $10 per hour. Please contact Karen using the tab above.

A Full Moon Joins Our Annual Candlelight Walk

Our Fifth Annual Candlelight Walk alongside the Snohomish River was the best attended yet — bringing out entire families, (including the dogs), carolers, even a full moon! The winter solstice marks the beginning of longer days, and the returning light is a cause for celebration with its promise of new growth.

And the New Year means a new schedule of classes at Yoga Circle Studio, which you will receive soon in the mail. New to these pages is that the Class Schedule now links directly with the MindBody program — allowing you to select, register and pay for a class all in one step. Why not give a try right now?

Our studio is warm, and a beautiful space to practice the healing art of yoga. We continually strive to make yoga more accessible and beneficial to you — with our teaching, our website, and monthly newsletters — and we are most grateful for your continued support.

And many thanks to all who helped prepare and light the luminaries to mark the way for Snohomish’s unique community gathering. You may view a 24 image slideshow HERE, and please leave a comment about your experience walking the Riverfront Trail on the winter solstice.

Candlelight Solstice Walk, Tuesday, 12/21/10

Solstice Walk 2006 (Daily Herald)
You, and everyone you know, are invited to join us in Yoga Circle Studio’s Fifth Annual Candlelight Solstice Walk on the Riverfront Trail in Snohomish. (The trail runs from Cady Landing at Cedar Avenue in the east to Avenue D and First Street in the west.)

Help is needed to light the luminaries that line the Riverfront Trail at 4p; as well as, help to pick them up around 7:30p. Please contact Karen for more information.

So beginning at dusk, people are free to walk the Riverfront Trail lined with luminaries in any direction and as many times as they wish. Bringing your own candle to carry or musical instrument to play is encouraged.

Below is an archive of the images we have used on the former website. Enjoy!

Solstice Walk 2007, east (Click to Enlarge)

Solstice Walk 2007, east (Click to enlarge)

Solstice Walk 2008, east (Click to enlarge)

Solstice Walk 2008, west (Click to enlarge)

Solstice Walk 2009 (Click to enlarge)

Slideshow of Solstice Walk 2008
Slideshow of Solstice Walk 2009

You may learn more about the Winter Solstice at Wikipedia.