Fall Workshops Posted and a Blog Blooms!

What does Qigong Exercises, Living in Balance, Finding Home in the Wilds, Sound Healing, the Art and Heart of Presence, and Partner Yoga have in common? They are all tiles of our Sunday Workshops to be offered this fall, beginning in September. A nice mix of something new and more from our favorite teachers. Check it all out on the Workshop page which begins with an invitation to learn Tai Chi this summer … for free!

We are so happy to announce a Yoga Circle Studio Blog called “Circling the Mat” written my a five year yoga student who goes only by her first name “Donna” — and who confesses that “she may have been your klutzy neighbor on the mat.”

Check it out — let’s get a conversation going.

Video: Yin Yoga Workshop, Sunday, May 25, 1-4p

Yin Yoga
with Shelly Dorland
Sunday, May 25, 2014 | 1-4p | Cost: $40

Yin Yoga is the practice of exercising deep muscle, fascia, and bone tissue in the body in long held meditative poses. Yin Yoga is a perfect complement to the dynamic and muscular (yang) styles of yoga that emphasize internal heat, and the lengthening and contracting of our muscles. Yin Yoga generally targets the connective tissues of the hips, pelvis, and lower spine which are accessed through long held poses & gravity.

If you attended Shelly’s workshop please don’t be shy about leaving a comment below about your experience, which may help others. Thanks!

Focus on Core, Sunday, April 27, 1-4p

Focus on Core: Strength, Mobility & Safety
with Sarah Johnston & Candace McKenna
Sunday, April 27, 2014 | 1-4p | Cost: $40

The muscles which support the sacroiliac joint, lower back and spine are the muscles of our Core, or naval center. This workshop will focus on asanas which help us locate our primary (psoas) and secondary core muscles and then learn to engage and release them for improved stability and alignment. We will explore the powerful effect of mindfully engaging these muscles during all movement. Many of the poses come from the master teacher Donna Fahri, (who has given permission for this material to be shared —follow this link for a free download of the class handouts! ).

And if you attended the workshop, please consider leaving a comment below about your experience.