Even Yoga has a Wall!

Yoga on the Wall: How to Build a Deeper Pose
with Dorothy Meyer
Sunday, September 24 | 1 to 4p
Come to the wall to explore some of the fundamentals of alignment while enjoying the support that helps us build stability in our practice.

Ins & Outs of Yoga Massage

Robin Flashman
Robin Flashman
Massage from the Inside Out–Inside In with Robin Flashman, LMT
Sunday, April 30 | 1 to 4p
Explore Yoga postures to massage the body from the inside, and use massage techniques and massage balls and rollers to access our tissues from the outside. This workshop will deepen our approach to care of our precious body…the container of our life spirit. Robin is a lovely, very skilled yoga teacher with a number of us yogis that go to her regularly for a heavenly massage.
Cost: $45
Pre-registration recommended, and stay for the potluck afterwards (4 to 5p).

Celebrate Spring with Kim

YCS image

Kim Brethauer
Kim Brethauer
Explore Pilates with Kim Brethauer
Sunday, April 9 | 1 to 4p
Focus on core strength and life energy with this practice that is Integral to building the stabilizing muscles that support us in yoga.

So sorry, this workshop has been CANCELLED. The studio will be closed next Sunday for Easter.

Many Happy Spring Wishes to all our Yogis!