Bliss Yoga, Sunday, 11/11

Snohomish River

Bliss Yoga with Roy Holman
Sunday, November 11 | 1 to 4p
Surrendering into a gentle, slow-moving, breath connected, meditative asana, accompanied by sacred sound. Finish with savasana accompanied by a sound bath of singing bowls and healing touch.

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Bags by Karen!

YCS images

Dear Yogis, I am spending the summer sewing creative shopping bags from fabrics I have been saving for years. Each one is unique…lots of silks, velvets, and hand dyed cotton. These are a great replacement for plastic shopping bags. Check them out on the lower rack at the studio…a bargain at $30 each + tax.

I’ll be making more, so keep them moving…all to reuse, reduce, recycle…the direction we all need to go: R/R/R!

Free Meditation: Sunday, 6/10

free meditationFree Meditation: Happiness and Success with Madhu Rajanna
Sunday, June 10 | 1 to 2:30p

Join Karen and Madhu Rajanna for this FREE meditation session to learn yogic breathing, mental focus and emotional stability … all that leads to happiness and success in whatever your endeavor. Madhu Rajanna is meditation instructor for the Art of Living, a nonprofit organization.