Making the Mat a Manly Place

with Brian Dotson
Sunday, April 28, 2013 | 1-4p | Cost: $40
Validate and celebrate a man’s approach to this mind/body practice. Typically men are physically strong, with tight muscles and joints, and often hold old injuries. Yoga can help in healing while accepting the challenges of practice and letting go of the need to compete and/or push through pain. Brian is a firefighter, and experienced Reiki and QiGong practitioner– a real guy’s guy.

If you attended Brian’s workshop please “man-up” (as Larry did) and leave a comment below. Thanks!

Last Chance for Series Classes Before Summer!

Dorrinda CarlsonBEGINNER YOGA 101 with Dorrinda Carlson
Tuesdays, April 16 – May 28 2013
7-8:15p | Cost: $80 for 7 weeks

These popular classes are for those who want to learn and/or review basic yoga poses, breath awareness, mental focus, and stress reduction.

sign-upNew students get 20% off,
pre-egistration is required,
8 students minimum

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Sarah JohnstonYOGA 102 with Sarah Johnston
Thursdays, April 18 – May 30 2013
7-8:15p | Cost: $80 for 7 weeks

These popular classes are for those who want to learn and/or review basic yoga poses, breath awareness, mental focus, and stress reduction.

sign-upPre-registration is required,
8 students minimum

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Karen GuzakBEGINNER YOGA 101 with Karen Guzak
Fridays, April 19 – May 31, 2013
5:30-6:45p| Cost: $80 for 7 weeks

These popular classes are for those who want to learn and/or review basic yoga poses, breath awareness, mental focus, and stress reduction.

sign-upNew students get 25% off,
pre-registration is required,
8 students minimum

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Warner BlakeTAI CHI with Warner Blake
Saturdays, April 20 – June 1, 2013
11:30-12:30p | Cost: $80 for 7 weeks

Learn the 24 forms of Tai Chi Chuan (Yang Style), three to four forms at a time over the seven week class period. Easy. Be ready for Free Tai Chi at the River come summer!

sign-upPre-registration is required,
8 students minimum

Easy Kundalini with Karen

with Karen Guzak
Sunday, April 7, 2013 | 1 – 4p | Cost: $40
Rhythmically flex and strengthen the muscles of the belly and back; coordinate this with the breath and you are doing Kundalini yoga. This is an easy and enjoyable form of yoga that increases your inherent life energy and supports you in becoming leaner and lighter. There will be a balance of poses and rest. All levels welcome.

Please Note: the workshop has been cancelled due to the low number of pre-registrations — sorry for the inconvenience to those registered.