Partner Yoga, Sunday, 2/17, 1-4p

With Kim Brethauer and Dorrinda Carlson
Sunday, February 17, 2013 | 1-4p | Cost: $40

partner yogaC
ome alone or with a partner and explore the many playful possibilities in Partner Yoga. A number of yoga poses are enhanced using the reciprocal strengths of a partner. This is a chance to expand your yoga repertoire and explore the connections and support of a partner.
Valentine chocolates provided at the potluck following this workshop; don’t forget about the 10% family discount.

A slideshow from Karen’s new smart phone is on its way; in the meantime, if you attended the class, please don’t be shy about adding a comment about the workshop. Thanks!

Meditations for the New Year, Sunday, 2/3 at 1p

Peaceful Mind, Open Heart, Shining Spirit
Levey Workshop Group 2012with Dr. Joel and Michelle Levey
Sunday, February 3, 2013 | 1-4p | $50
Learn practical skills to create more inner peace and mindfulness. We are blessed to have these world famous teachers and authors come to enlighten and enliven us so we can experience more wisdom, more balance, more joy in our lives.

If you attended this popular workshop, Thanks!
Please don’t be shy about leaving a comment below.

Yoga for Women, Sunday, January 20, 1-4p

HORMONAL BALANCE with Sarah Johnston
Sunday, January 20, 2013 | 1-4p | Cost: $40
Yoga can be a nurturing and healing practice when that is your intention. Many of the poses can help restore hormonal and nervous system balance. Especially effective are the head-below-heart poses. Working gentle inversions and restorative poses will prove beneficial…you will feel so good after this class! Appropriate for all levels, including beginners.

Potluck, Sunday 1/20/13
New this year, potluck gatherings following the workshops

And Thanks to Laura for her comment below; please don’t be shy about adding yours!