Tai Chi, Yoga 101 and 102 Beginning This Week

Warner BlakeTAI CHI with Warner Blake
Saturdays, January 12 to February 23, 2013
11:30-12:30p | Cost: $80 for 7 weeks

Learn the 24 forms of Tai Chi Chuan (Yang Style), three to four forms at a time over the seven week class period. Easy. Be ready for Free Tai Chi at the River come summer!

sign-upPre-registration is required,
8 students minimum

Links to sign up for Yoga 101 and 102 Series Classes are here.

Annual Free Restorative Class, 2012

Over 20 people took Karen up on her annual offer of a free Restorative Yoga Class on the day after Christmas in exchange for a contribution to the Snohomish Food Bank.

We are very grateful for the support that the Snohomish community has shown for Yoga Circle Studio over the years and warmly invite you to check out the new season of classes and workshops here.

Allowing no moss to grow around here, we begin with a Belly Dance weekend: Saturday, January 5th, dancer Genevieve DuPuy will be leading a four week series, meeting from 1 to 2:30p; then, Sunday the 6th, dancer and teacher Indigo will be in residence for three hours with a workshop titled, “The Softer Side of Oozey Gooey Belly Dance” — curious?

Read more on the Workshop and Series Classes page.

Thanks again!

Solstice Walk 2012

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Thanks to all who helped put the luminaries out on the Snohomish River Trail, and who helped to pick’em up. Not pictured in the slideshow is Shelly, Trina, and with a extra big thanks to Jerry who ferried the material up and down the trail and brought everything back in his hardworking Ranger.

Happy Holidaze to All … and see you next year!