Video: Levey’s Fine Art of Relaxation Workshop

With a warm-up and welcome by Karen, the well attended workshop led by Michelle and Joel Levey got underway. In the clip below, Joel tells of his experience at the Stress Clinic at Seattle’s Group Health Cooperative, working with a “Popeye” type character to reduce his stress and pain. It makes for an entertaining story with a simple message. Enjoy.

If you attended the workshop, please consider leaving a comment with your reactions to the experience. It will help us to make a better studio and others who are considering taking one of our classes or workshop.

Limited spots still available for the Levey’s Workshop

with Dr. Joel and Michelle Levey
Sunday February 26, 2012 | 1-4p
(Held at the grand, expanded studio, 707 Pine Avenue)

Learn practical skills to create more inner peace and mindfulness. We are blessed to have these world famous teachers and authors come to enlighten and enliven us so we can experience more wisdom, more balance, more joy in our lives. Visit their website. Cost: $50 (all levels)

Register and Pay Online

Videos: Unfolding Anusara Yoga with Elizabeth Rainey

An introduction by Elizabeth Rainey to, Unfolding Anusara Yoga, her workshop presented on Sunday, February 12th.

In this short clip the principals of Anusara Yoga — expansion, softness and allowing — are practiced in a pose.

Please leave a comment if you attended the workshop, we appreciate the feedback, and so will other potential students of yoga.
