Safety First

It’s Tuesday January 17, and the snow is steadily piling up in Snohomish with predictions of much more. We decided to close the studio in the spirit of yogic principles: “tell the truth” – it’s really snowing! and “do no harm” – let’s be safe and stay home where we are warm and cozy. Moderation is also guiding our decision, as well as self care.  So, take it easy today, and very likely tomorrow.  Some stretching and deep breathing will also make you feel better.

Keep in touch with our website for class cancellations. On this web page, click along the left side at “REGISTER and PAY ONLINE” to take you to our database at MindBody online where you will see the cancellations. Or call Karen at 360-568-1000.

“Let It Snow …”

The snow began falling about three hours before the start of our continuing celebration of the studio’s expansion — yet a dozen or so yogi supports braved the weather and made it to help Karen mark this important step in Yoga Circle’s growth.  Thanks to all who showed up.  This short slide show is for you!

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And a special thanks to Peter Ali for the sweet sounds of his many-hand made flutes!

“Oh the weather outside is frightful,
But the music and yoga is so delightful,
And since we’ve no place to go,
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!”

Cahn & Styne (1945)

The Celebration Continues

All are invited to a Free Class of Yoga to the live music of Peter Ali, Native Flutist, on Saturday, January 14, at 5p. To be followed by a wine and cheese reception around 6p. This is an opportunity to check out the new studio now doubled in size and twice as beautiful.