Yoga Nidra with Laura Vitale, Sunday, May 22nd, 1-4p

Yoga Nidra, is a systematic method of complete relaxation, not only for the physical body, but also for the deeper emotional and mental layers of being; it works at the root of stresses, allowing the release of subconscious tensions and tendencies that inhibit us from living to our full potential. The technique is used by many different people: those who need an effective relaxation, those who seek increased mental clarity, those suffering from insomnia or who need it as therapy for various illnesses, and those who are learning to meditate.

No previous yoga or meditation experience necessary — $35
Register and Pay Online

“Following your heart”

Yoga Circle Studio was blessed again to have the wisdom and grace of Elizabeth Rainey. She led us through practical approaches to open to greater awareness of the sacred nature of our lives, and the importance of our bodies as vessels for the spirit. Focus was on alignment of the body, building from the ground up to find a balance of the principles of opening to life energy, while finding a solid center. Rainey is steeped in a tradition of yoga called Anusara (a-nu-sar-a), which means “following your heart.”
And, in these photos you can see us opening to the heart while opening to breath. As in all yoga teaching in our studio, we practice yoga to help bring more health and true happiness to ourselves and to the world around us.

Rainey Returns with “Building the Temple”

Sunday, May 1 | 1 – 4p

A temple is a structure that is erected for the purpose of honoring and experiencing the Sacred. The grandeur of cathedrals and mosques invite a feeling of awe and infinity. I believe we can experience the same thing through our bodies and the practice of asana. In this workshop we will explore the Universal Principles of Alignment of Anusara Yoga. These principles give us a way of creating a stable and reliable structure through which we can find freedom and grace of breath and movement. They create integrity in the body allowing us to practice safely and they invite us to move from the inside, giving depth and meaning to our practice. The Universal Principles of Alignment serve to deepen any practice.

Recommended for all levels — $45
Register and Pay Online

(Photograph of Casa Rinconada in the Chaco Culture National Historical Park at dawn of the summer solstice 2007.)