Candlelight Solstice Walk, Tuesday, 12/21/10

Solstice Walk 2006 (Daily Herald)
You, and everyone you know, are invited to join us in Yoga Circle Studio’s Fifth Annual Candlelight Solstice Walk on the Riverfront Trail in Snohomish. (The trail runs from Cady Landing at Cedar Avenue in the east to Avenue D and First Street in the west.)

Help is needed to light the luminaries that line the Riverfront Trail at 4p; as well as, help to pick them up around 7:30p. Please contact Karen for more information.

So beginning at dusk, people are free to walk the Riverfront Trail lined with luminaries in any direction and as many times as they wish. Bringing your own candle to carry or musical instrument to play is encouraged.

Below is an archive of the images we have used on the former website. Enjoy!

Solstice Walk 2007, east (Click to Enlarge)

Solstice Walk 2007, east (Click to enlarge)

Solstice Walk 2008, east (Click to enlarge)

Solstice Walk 2008, west (Click to enlarge)

Solstice Walk 2009 (Click to enlarge)

Slideshow of Solstice Walk 2008
Slideshow of Solstice Walk 2009

You may learn more about the Winter Solstice at Wikipedia.

Yoga Bliss | Thanksgiving Recovery

You are invited to join Karen and Lya Badgley for a Spa afternoon —
a-love-your-body BLISS event: Sunday, November 28th from 1 to 4p.
Restorative yoga, aromatherapy, facial spa treatments, plus guilt free chocolate. We will feature NYR Organic Skincare products, and very gentle yoga that will renew, refresh, and calm body, mind, and soul.

Only $15.00! For all levels –- no yoga experience is necessary.
Follow this link to register and pay online.

And follow this link to view Safe Cosmetics.

November is Yoga Dance Month

Theresa Elliott
Theresa Elliott | Purvottanasana | Tulum, Mexico | 1994 (Photo: Zane Williams)

Unfortunately, we had to cancel Theresa Elliott’s Yoga Dance workshop for Sunday, November 14th. Only four people were registered, and we need at least six.

So sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused.

We will ask her to come again in the Spring when she will lead us in learning parts of her lyrical Eventide composition.   


You are invited to give our beta Class Schedule a go. The intention is to make signing up for a class a few clicks quicker. Once the program remembers you, it will be possible to reserve a place in the class and pay online with a couple of clicks. In other words, it shortcuts the process of scrolling down the MindBody website looking for your class, we hope.

Please let us know how it works for you. We invite your suggestions for making the website ultra easy to use.