Solstice Walk, Belly Dance and Free Restorative from the Holidaze!

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Our eight annual Winter Solstice Candlelight Walk alongside the Snohomish River falls on a Saturday this year, party night!

solstice in snohomishMany thanks to all the solstice elves: Jerry, Pamela, Tom, Kylie and daughters Niya, Keenan, Gail, Lya, Sasha, Tina, Cory, Helen, Mary Pat, Janet, Christina, Dell, Renee, Dorrinda, Dave, Laura and Tom Scott, and to those I missed — you know who you are! Finally, a shout out to Susan who helped with clean up after doing a painting of the lighted trail — let’s see it Susan!Warner

Thanks to Gail, a solstice elf from the beginning, for these two shots! Contact us if would like to join the crew next year.
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Belly Dance HAFLA
After dinner downtown, walk a few blocks up Avenue B to #230, the AngelArmsWorks Studio for a Belly Dance HAFLA — a celebration of dance with live music.
Pictures on Facebook!

After Christmas Restorative
A Yoga Circle Studio tradition — Rest and Renew after the holidays with an extremely gentle yoga practice of restorative poses, breath work, and guided meditation. Slow down and care for yourself after Christmas. Donations of money or food accepted for the Snohomish Food Bank.

Thursday, December 26, 1-3p
Please follow this link to pre-register — class is limited to 25 persons.

Pictures of the past eight years of solstice walks.